Monday, August 23, 2010

What a year...

Recently, Camp 1946 had to complete its year-end report - what a year!! You can see below that Camp 1946 is one of the busiest Camps in all of the North Carolina division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. If you are not a member, please consider joining today.

3 days resetting stones in the Old Bakersville Cemetery (Mitchell County)
1 Confederate monument Dedication (Yancey County)
5 Living Histories
1 County Fair (Yancey County)
3 Confederate Headstones (Buncombe & Mitchell Counties)
Camp field trip to CW sites in Knoxville, TN
Completed restoration of the Hill Cemetery (Mitchell County)
3 Civil War roundtables (Avery, Mitchell & Yancey Counties)
Completed fence around Zion Cemetery (adopted by camp, Yancey County)2 School programs (Avery & Mitchell Counties)
1 Find your Confederate Ancestor Day (Mitchell County)
2 Confederate Memorial Day services Mitchell & Yancey Counties)
Placed 450 flags in observance of Confederate Memorial Day (Avery, Mitchell & Yancey Counties)
Had a float in 2 Christmas parades (Mitchell & Yancey Counties)
Reached our fundraising goal of $5000.00 for the purchase of a Confederate Veterans Monument for Mitchell County.
Meet with the county commissioners from Mitchell County (concerning placement of Mitchell monument).
Adopt a Highway 4 trash pick ups.

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